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College students, on average, change their major at least three times during their college career. A primary reason is because many students, aided by well-meaning relatives, select a school first, then a major, and finally a career. What if you could achieve success where others have stumbled and gain a significant advantage as you begin your educational journey that leads to your career?

The way to achieve success in selecting the right educational path and course of study beyond high school is by knowing exactly what career you are going to select before you begin your education. Talking with family and friends can help.

However, an experienced ReWorkMe career consultant, using the online ReWork Survey, can provide unique insights for you that will enable you to select a career that matches your interests and values. This career choice will enable you to successfully explore the courses of study and the schools – whether universities, community colleges, or trade schools – that will support your career selection.

By working with a ReWorkMe consultant, you will be able to select a course of study and a school that matches your career choice. This will help you take the guesswork out of selecting your career and enable you to avoid the classic problem of changing majors or schools multiple times. By maintaining a consistent focus on your educational career, you will be able to sustain your concentration and motivation as you move toward your goal of graduating and beginning your chosen career.

Of course, another by-product of working with a ReWorkMe consultant is that you will significantly reduce the time and cost associated with your education. This will enable you to get ahead of your class and enter the job market sooner.

To find the right education path for you, contact us.

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