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ReWorkMe - For Churches
The ReWorkMe Volunteer Program helps your organization to efficiently match volunteers to service opportunities they will find interesting and rewarding. View a sample ReWorkMe Report for volunteer use in a church


  1. The volunteer organization supplies ReWorkMe with a list of all its service opportunities. These opportunities are loaded into the ReWorkMe system.
  2. The organization recommends, and ReWorkMe trains, suitable members to join the Connection Team. These Connection Team members will assist volunteers in completing the Survey and finding matching opportunities.
  3. The program is announced to the organizations’ members.
  4. Members of the Connection Team work directly with volunteers, supplying them with the link to answer the Survey and showing them how to save opportunities that interest them.
  5. When volunteers have answered the Survey, the ReWorkMe system alerts the appropriate Connection Team members.
  6. The Connection Team members then contact the volunteers to a) help them narrow down their choice of service opportunities, and b) introduce them directly to the leaders in the appropriate area.

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