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ReWorkMe solves this common challenge of how to enlist more volunteers to serve in the ministries in your church in a very simple and effective manner. Each church member completes an online questionnaire that aligns their personal interests and values with the church’s custom database of corresponding ministry opportunities. This enables every member to be matched with a ministry opportunity for which they are designed. The church can then enlist a larger number of members to do what they are called to do and enjoy doing.

One of the unique added advantages of the ReWorkMe process is that it can be operated by volunteers without having to add any additional responsibilities to the role of any staff member.

Implementation Process

  1. Each key ministry leader (staff and/or volunteer) in the church supplies ReWorkMe with a list of ministry service opportunities. ReWorkMe works directly with each ministry leader to develop this list. All of the ministry service opportunities are uploaded into the ReWorkMe System to create a “customized” database of ministry opportunities for the respective church.

  1. The church recommends, and ReWorkMe trains, suitable church members as members of the Connection Team. These Connection Team members will assist church members in completing the 10 minute online ReWorkMe/IOLAS Survey and reviewing the results in order to discover matching ministry service opportunities to which God is calling them.

  1. The church publicizes the “Your Serve” program to church members.

  1. Connection Team members work individually with church members, supplying them with a web link to answer the Survey and showing them how to identify specific ministries that interest them. This can be accomplished through small groups or individually.

  1. After a church member answers the Survey, the ReWorkMe system alerts the appropriate Connection Team member, who contacts the church member to a) help them select the ministry in which they interested in serving and b) introduce them directly to the ministry leader corresponding to their selected ministry choice.

To discover how to help more of your church members discover their volunteer ministry calling in your church, contact us.

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