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Are You Gift Wrapping Your Garbage?

When it comes to achieving a goal, you have probably heard motivational statements such as, “Aim for the stars.” “Shoot for the moon.” “Go for the gold.” However, you’ve probably never heard, “Just be good enough.”

On the surface, this idea of “good enough” may appear to be settling for less. However, being “good enough” can also be the same as performing with excellence. For example, if an athlete is attempting to win a gold medal in the Olympics, how good does he or she have to perform? The answer is “good enough.” In the Olympics, “good enough” means the performance must be excellent. In another example, if a parent is making Jell-O® for their five-year-old child, how good does the parent have to perform in order to make the Jell-O® acceptable for the child to eat? The answer is, again, “good enough.”

In a final example, if you are placing your household garbage in a garbage can, how good does the garbage have to be wrapped? The answer is, once again, “good enough.” The wrapper must contain the garbage in a manner that will promote safety. A sturdy plastic bag will be fine However, no one would ever think of placing their garbage in nice box, gift wrapping it and adding a beautiful bow. Or would they?

How often have you attempted to do something and exceeded the “good enough” range when it wasn’t really necessary? Although you may be performing with excellence, you may also be wasting time, expense and energy by “gift wrapping your garbage.” By accomplishing your goals to the extent or the level that they need to be accomplished, you will be practicing the “good enough” philosophy and become a good manager of your resources. Here’s a simple motto by which to live. “Do what needs to be done, when it needs to be done, to the proper degree that it needs to be done.” That’s Good Enough!

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